Newsletter – July 2024

Click here for printable version:  ODGC newsletter July 2024

This month is our AGM and Shared Supper

As we have had no requests for amendments to the running of the club or volunteers to help, it should be a short meeting although we do have some announcements and some non-AGM business.

As this is our first full AGM and Supper evening in July, I will go into a little detail for the benefit of newer members.

Each member is asked to bring a plate of savoury and a plate of dessert to be shared amongst the members.  All the food is put on a central table and members will help themselves as their table is asked to come forward.  The Club will be supplying bread, butter and cheese.

Please put your name on the plate (and serving utensils if needed) that you are putting on the central table so it is easy to get them back to the rightful owner.  You would be amazed how many things are left unclaimed at the end of the evening

Please bring your own plates and cutlery, also anything you would like to drink with your meal.  There is tea and coffee available BUT please wash up after yourself.

The Hall will be open from 7.00 pm with the intention of starting the AGM at 7.30 pm so that we can then have our supper!

43rd Annual Show – 17th August:

Jane and her band of helpers have organised the Show and look out for some changes in the layout of the Hall.

All the helpers have been contacted by Jane with their notes for a successful day.

The Hall will be open at 5.00 pm on the Friday night for the hall to be prepared and then from 10.00 am on Saturday for you to stage your entries.

 The schedule is on our website in both booklet and A4 format so please read carefully BUT don’t prejudge any of your entries, that is what the judges are for.


The regional chair for the NGS for Wales and the Marches, has written to the club asking for members to volunteer to open their gardens for the charity in 2025.

If any member is interested, please let me know and I will forward the email to you for you to make contact.  The deadline for next year is mid-September.

Our next speaker:
The speaker in September is Rowan Griffiths from Hergest Croft Gardens on the subject of Magnolias and we are hoping to arrange a guided visit to the gardens in 2025 at Magnolia time.



