Newsletter – August 2024

Click here for printable version:  ODGC newsletter August 2024

This month is our 43rd Annual Show – Saturday 17th August:

Last month saw our first AGM since December 2022 and I think the change to July was welcomed!  We no longer have to think about coming out on a cold, wet December evening  when we would much prefer to be in front of the fire! The shared supper was a magnificent spread and I don’t think anyone could have gone home hungry.  Many thanks to everyone.

As anticipated, there were no volunteers to join the main committee so they were all re-elected on block:

            Nick Russell – Chairman                                  Gail Scott – Treasurer

            Peter Furneaux – Vice Chairman                   Monica Todd – Secretary

            David Davies                                                     Ghi Arundale

There were a couple of changes to the running of the club announced:

Marleen de Kluizenaar has stepped down from the role of Programme Secretary with immediate effect having organised the 2025 programme, and was thanked for all her efforts.  It has been decided, in the short term, not to replace the position and Nick asked that if you have any suggestions about speaker for 2026 onwards, please let a committee member know.

As the observant of you will have noticed when reading the last two newsletters, they have been sent out by a new webmaster – Stephen Hancocks. With thanks to Sue Brown for all her previous hard work, she has been handing over to Stephen over the last couple of months and when the 2025 programme is completed on the website, she will step down.

Other things were discussed after the AGM, the main one being the November meal and it was agreed that an evening meal is preferred to a lunchtime, so your committee will look into making a booking.

Our next meeting is our 43rd August Show and here is a message from Jane who has, together with her band of helpers, organised this year’s show:

The Annual Show is on Saturday 17th.  It would be great if you could join in – there is no experience necessary, the more the merrier!  Take a look through the Show Schedule on the club website to see if there is anything that you could enter: fruit and vegetables, flowers, pot plants, jams and preserves, honey, homemade cordials.  Or perhaps you have time to bake something for the cookery section?  The schedule gives hints on what the best exhibits should be aiming for but even if your entries don’t meet those criteria, they could still be the best on the day. Last year’s winner in the carrot class wasn’t going to put their entry in because they thought they were too small but luckily were persuaded to enter them at the last minute.  So don’t pre-judge your entries.  It is all about the taking part and the more entries there are, the better the show. 

 So … Join the Show, Give it a Go! 

Members should bring their entries to the hall between 10:00am and 11:30am (there is a charge of 10p per entry).  Stewards will be on hand to provide assistance with staging your exhibits should you need it.

Viewing and afternoon teas 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Trophy presentations at 3:30pm, followed by the raffle

Many thanks to Jane and her band of helpers for all their hard work and to all those who have agreed to donate cakes for the afternoon tea.
